Carol CoreyOklahoma

Carol CoreyOklahoma

Extremely beneficial. Very worthwhile and informative. Very valuable information for working with clients. Worth every penny!
Bob LucasOntario

Bob Lucas

“I realize that this one-day seminar is exactly what we needed to add co-operation, understanding, energy, and excitement to our sales reps. and to our office!”
Extroverts Married to Introverts – What To Do??

Extroverts Married to Introverts – What To Do??

They say opposites attract, which is true – but they usually don’t finish the sentence which ends with “then opposites attack”. So can opposites really have a happy and fulfilling relationship? The answer is yes! You just need to work with each other’s personality...
Helping the “D” Personality Type Get Some Rest!

Helping the “D” Personality Type Get Some Rest!

If you are a “D” type you probably have trouble sleeping at night. You lie awake, tossing and turning, thinking about all the things you need to do as soon as you wake up! Here are some tips to catch some more zzzz’s! First, don’t drink any caffeine after 6pm. Second,...