
Personality Types and Their Spending Habits
Did you know your personality type influences everything in your life – to include whether you are a natural saver or a spender? “D” and “I” personality types using the DiSC personality assessment system are normally quick to spend money! The “S” and “C” personality...

Why “C” Personality Types Need Validation Using DISC
Have you ever had someone say to you “What do you mean by that?” If so, it was probably a “C” or Cautious/Contemplative personality type. This personality type is a “four levels deep” thinker. Therefore they naturally believe that nothing is as it initially seems....

The Buying Habits of Different Personality Types Using DISC
If you are in the sales industry it is vital for you to understand what each personality type wants when buying and how much time they need to make a decision. “D” or Dominant personality types using the DiSC model of human behavior and “I” or Inpiring personality...

Thinkers verses Feelers using DISC Personalities
Using the DiSC model of human behavior, there are two personality types who are thinkers and two personality types who are feelers. When communicating with the different personality types it is important to phrase your questions in a way that will best fit the type...

Getting Along With The Supportive “S” Personality in DISC
Do you have an “S” type in your life? It’s pretty much a guarantee that all of us do! Here’s some advice to improve your relationship with them and give them the “warm fuzzy” feelings they enjoy! Stay tuned for my next post on “S” types – this is just part 1! 1. Use...

Getting Along With The Supportive “S” Personality in DISC Part 2
In my most recent blog, I gave you 4 tips for getting along with the supportive “S” personality type. This is part 2 of the same topic! 5. “S” types are never in a hurry. If you try to rush them – bad things happen! To work around this, always give the “S” types extra...

Strategies for Getting Along with a “D” type using DISC Part 1
“D” personality types are those outgoing, task oriented people who have a bottom line communication style! They can be very difficult to get along with if you don’t know how to effectively communicate with them. Here are some tips for getting along with the “D”...

Strategies for Getting Along with a “D” type using DISC Part 2
In my most recent post, I listed 4 tips to help create better interactions with the “D” or Dominant personality type. Here are some more tips for getting along with the “D” types! 5. Use words that appeal to their personality! “D” types are attracted to words that...

Strategies for Getting Along with a “D” type using DiSC Part 1
D” personality types are those outgoing, task oriented people who have a bottom line communication style! They can be very difficult to get along with

Strategies for Getting Along with a “D” type using DiSC Part 2
In my most recent post, I listed 4 tips to help create better interactions with the “D” or Dominant personality type.