As a “D” or Dominant personality type, I love to make lists. The purpose of the list is to check off the list! Sometimes a “D” personality type will make a list of things they have already accomplished just so they can check them off! Although all personality types may make a list, the lists will look different depending on their most dominant personality. For example, since “D” and “I” types are bottom line communicators – they make lists that are, well, bottom line. For example, if they need to go to get groceries, pick up the dry cleaning, organize the bathroom drawer, and take their children to gymnastics – their list would read something like this:


dry cleaning


gymnastics – 6:00

This list would look very different if it were written by an “S” or “C” type. Their list would look more like this:

go to grocery store

pick up dry cleaning at Morton’s Dry Cleaners

organize the bathroom drawer so items fit in drawer properly

take kids to gymnastics at 6pm

Keep in mind, if it was an “I” personality type that made the list – they will probably lose it before anything on the list is even completed! I believe that it is perfectly acceptable to make the list either way – as long as you remember what you are supposed to do. Most “S” or “C” types that were looking at a “D” and “I” type’s list would have no idea what it meant went it read “drawer”. They would think “Why in the world did I write drawer”? This is why they make complete lists. It is more efficient for them to take a few extra seconds to write a detailed list now than to try to figure out what they meant later.

This is just one of the many ways that our DISC personality types are different! You can learn more about personality types and sign up to receive my free monthly e-newsletter on my website: There are always great tips for understanding our personalities as well as giveaways and “members only” specials! Just click on this link to sign up! Remember to always Let Your Personality Shine!