Why We Have Traits From All Personality Types!
Often times people are confused because even though they are dominant in one personality type, they exhibit traits of another type. Remember that noone is all ONE personality type. You are a blend of all four types. In fact, some people test “level” which means they are almost even in all four. It is completely normal to be dominant in one type, yet have a “thing” that you do in the other types. For example, I’m am normally a high D/I blend. My “C thing” is that I am a bit germphobic. I don’t like touching ketchup and salt containers in restaurants, or escalators rails, etc. I just think of all the millions of people who have touched them before me and I cringe. This is not a D or I trait, but rather my C “thing”. This is the way it should be since we are a blend of all four personality types. 80% of us are dominant in two of the four types as indicated in my D/I blend mentioned above. The key is to recognize someone’s dominant personality blend so you can best predict what they need from you to create those win/win situations that you desire! You can learn more about this in my best selling book Stop Squatting With Your Spurs On! The power to read people, get what you want, and communicate without pain. My website is: http://www.stopsquattingwithyourspurson.com