Teen Concise English Version (12 pages)


This DISC personality profile version of the Discovery Report is designed just for teens, high school students, college students and young adults to help them understand themselves and their strengths. It also includes feedback that is helpful in thinking about career direction. Parents and teachers will also find the report useful to gain insights into how to connect based on his or her personality style. The online assessment takes about 20-25 minutes to complete. A practical and easy-to-read 12-page report will be created that provides:

Introduction to the DISC traits (new)
Words that describe you
Your Strengths
Tips on how to move ahead in life
Motivational style and environment needs
Overview of the DISC personality model
Communication tips
Career tips
Personality graphs (newly expanded section)
More resources to consider



DISC Profile for Teens featuring Career Tips

Updated and improved – Now 12 pages! This DISC personality profile version of the Discovery Report is designed just for teens, high school students, college students and young adults to help them understand themselves and their strengths.

Plus, this report also includes feedback that is helpful in thinking about career direction.

Parents and teachers will also find the report useful to gain insights into how to connect based on his or her personality style.

This resource for teens, college students and young adults was developed under the leadership of personality expert, speaker and author Robert A. Rohm, Ph.D.. Dr. Rohm is the author of Positive Personality Profiles, A+ Ideas for Every Student’s Success, and Tales out of School.

View a sample report here!


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